Discovering the Giants’ Legacy: Unveiling East Africa’s Ancient Colossal Ruins

Archaeologists from the University of Exeter and the Ethiopian Authority for Research and Conservation of the Cultural Heritage have uncovered a long-forgotten metropolis in the Harlaa area of eastern Ethiopia, known as the ancient ‘City of Giants’ established in the 10th century BC.


Folklore and legends have been repeated throughout the history of mankind, depicting vast cities built and inhabited by giants. A large number of megalithic constructions from various periods of history, as well as the traditions of many communities separated by seas, strongly support their presence. Well, that truly happened in this Ethiopian region. The contemporary residents tell of gigantic constructions built of giant blocks that encircled the Harlaa site, leading to widespread speculation that it was formerly home to a famous City of Giants.

Harlaa’s fabled lost city


Antiquities discovered in far-flung locations such as Egypt, India, and China astounded researchers, demonstrating the region’s trade capabilities. Experts also discovered a mosque from the 12th century that is identical to those in Tanzania, as well as an autonomous Somaliland area, which is a de facto sovereign state not recognized by the UN. They all illustrate a probable link between various Islamic groups in Africa during that time period.

In terms of archaeology, a professor from the University of Exeter admits that the findings have had a significant impact on popular understanding of economic operations in Ethiopia’s long-abandoned area. The fact that it was a well-known commercial center for the region further adds to its significance.


Is this a city of giants?

The Harlaa people were convinced that only giants could move the stone blocks needed to create their region’s structures. However, after examining over 300 skeleton remains in nearby cemeteries, including young adults and teens, experts concluded that these individuals were not giants at all, according to their average stature and height.


Locals, on the other hand, refuse to accept the archaeologists’ argument, claiming that they are not convinced. To be honest, this isn’t the first time that contemporary science has discarded a centuries-old tradition as nothing more than folklore. We don’t know how the indigenous people are so convinced about the hypothesis of the giants because they don’t seem to be interested in fabricating such stories.

Even while there is no proof of giants in the tombs, this does not rule out the idea that giants were involved in the construction of the site. Many people think that these creatures were not buried together since they are thought to be enormous and strong entities. Others, on the other hand, disagree.


In Mesoamerican mythology, the Quinametzin were a type of colossus entrusted with erecting the mythical metropolis of Teotihuacán, which was erected by the gods of the sun. Large cities, monuments, and gigantic structures – all variants on this subject – can be found in every corner of the globe, perplexing scientists who are trying to figure out how ordinary people built them in the distant past, even with the assistance of current science.

Well, that truly happened in this Ethiopian region. The contemporary residents tell of gigantic constructions built of giant blocks that encircled the Harlaa site, leading to widespread speculation that it was formerly home to a famous City of Giants.

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