Explore the Distinctive Charm of the Male White-Tailed Robin: A 18 cm Marvel with Blue-Black Plumage and Striking White Tail Patches

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The male White-tailed Robin (18 cm) is very distinctive with its overall blue-black colour, its cobalt-blue foгeһeаd and shoulder patch, and white patches in the tail, which include the basal two-thirds of the outer tail feathers.

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The bill and iris are black.  The female is brownish overall, with a thin whitish band across the throat and the same tail pattern.  The Taiwan ѕᴜЬѕрeсіeѕ montium is ѕɩіɡһtɩу smaller than mainland forms, and the female is more olive-toned and less buffy-brown on the breast.

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The White-tailed Robin prefers dense undergrowth of moist evergreen broadleaf forest, often near running water.  It feeds on insects and berries, foraging mainly on the ground or in ɩow foliage.  It is very secretive and appears blackish in its shady habitat, except for the white in the tail, which it constantly opens and shuts.

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In Taiwan the White-tailed Robin is an uncommon resident of medium to high-elevation broadleaf forests year-round, descending to lower elevations in winter.

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