The Miraculous Journey of BU: A Rescue Dog Seeking a Forever Home


It was an emotional rescue. The primary character is BU, a dog that was saved in desperate circumstances and was ready to die. She is frail, with damaged skin and terrible malnutrition, and she is living in the face of so much loneliness and abandonment.

This occurred in Yucatan, Mexico. One of our readers, Dania Gordillo, shared the BU case with us. She was discovered around 7:00 a.m., and despite heavy traffic, no one stopped to assist her. But, because to Second Chance’s loving gaze, BU’s fate was dramatically transformed. She got a blow to the head that was most likely caused by running beneath a car.




The first few days were rough; he couldn’t get up, he had no appetite, and he didn’t want to fight any more. But with love, anything is possible, therefore he went against all odds and gradually improved.


It was very miraculous! She was resurrected and is really adorable and lively. Her heart is so pure that she is eager to adore people and thank them for protecting her.


His physical health was recovered, but his emotional scars were exacerbated by the mistreatment.


But now BU needs a family, a home to welcome her and provide her with love and company for the rest of her life; she is in Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico. And they are willing to move forward with international adoption provided all standards are satisfied.


It is critical that we spread this news so that BU can get the home he deserves as soon as possible. You can contact his Second Chance rescue team on Facebook here.

Don’t wait any longer, share it! Together, we can find the best family for BU

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